
 Layered Collar, very good out-come, fits perfectly on every av's neck!

Something else for a change; TREETRUNKS, created for a Project in SpotOn3D makes a good builderpack for landscapers in all Grids! 

The first 5 editions of the Body Drapes have been Rebuild with New Inspiration, released as ReMake! High Quality Shaded Body Drapes with superb shade-textures to blend with your own Textures!

 This Sculpted Swing Chair is a linked set of 11 Prims, floor shade included!
What can i say about this Heart Coach? Adorable? Superb Build? Best of Secondlife while this Coach is available in Inworldz & SpotOn3D too!
179 Prims, helping prims and floor shade included make this coach one of the best we have ever created.
Available as BuilderPack, Textured as Full Permission Prims and Textured Modify & Copy!

The Heart Coach Textured is only available here-> See this Coach Textured!